Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dance-A-Thon Tomorrow!!!

As you  know, the Dance-A-Thon is tomorrow. In the morning the class dances from 10:30 to 11. In the afternoon we have the 1:10 to 1:35 time slot. This is right at the beginning of our day, so if you can have the children here a few minutes early that will help. We will take them right into the gym and try to get the full use of our time. If you can come and help at that time you would be very welcome.
I also want to thank Marnie Johnstone who is a parent of one of the children in room 23. She bravely took on the challenge of organizing this major fundraiser with no previous experience of Broadview Dance-a-Thons and has worked incredibly hard with her team to put this all together. Thank you so much, Marnie!!!
Thank you also to all the kindergarten parents. We have raised a significant part of the funds for the school with our youngest students. That is impressive, so thank you for your help.   


  1. Thanks Ms. Whitehead. Your classes did a fantastic job returning their pledge envelopes and they gave very generously. And they looked like they had a great time at the dance-a-thon!

  2. They did have a lot of fun. There are some great dancers here in room 23 too.
