Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Happy Kwanzaa!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!!!
The children might enjoy this little play done by others their age in New Zealand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduwusyip8M

I hope your Pinecone Elf made it safely home to your house in its little plastic bubble and is having a great time with you on Christmas day.
We read some books about the Nativity Story and some about Santa and other Christmassy subjects. We made the parents a mobile of the sun, moon and stars and an ornament out of cinnamon dough and sparkles. I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy another whole week of holidays! Merry Christmas!!!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Yalda Night
Since we will not be at school on the actual Winter Solstice we are celebrating Yalda Night, a Persian solstice festival, tomorrow. It is a very ancient tradition and sees the rising sun of the first day of winter as a symbol of good winning over evil. Mali Doroodian, one of the morning parents, will be sharing an explanation, a story and a craft with us. Pomegranates and other winter fruit are part of the celebrations, so we will be making a card decorated with a pomegranate (and lots of sparkles) and seeing and tasting a real pomegranate as well. The children will also get to use a calligraphy pen and write their name in Persian.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
You're Invited!
Dear Parents, Grandparents, Friends and Relations: You are all warmly invited to our Holiday Party on Thursday, December 16th in our classroom. For the morning class this will be at 10:30 and for the afternoon class at 2:30. We will be singing you some of the songs we have learned and having a few seasonal treats. Because of the school allergy policy the best way to do this is for me to purchase nut-free food and for each family to put in a little to cover the costs. That way we can set up a treat table and all enjoy the party together. There will also be a little craft for you to do with your child if you would like. It should be a great end to our Festivals of Light unit. See you there! (And if you are unavoidably late, don't panic. We usually sing the songs again at the end of the party just for good measure.)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday Hanukkah begins and we will light our paper candles on the hanukkiah, one for each of the eight days. We will also have a Hanukkah story and of course play dreidel. We will learn some Hanukkah and Christmas songs from Mrs. Bricker, the morning kindergarten / afternoon music teacher here. She will be teaching the afternooners directly and then I will pass on the songs to the morning class.There will be a final sing song for the primary classes on the last morning, December 17th. It will be great to have even more music in our days.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Advent has begun, so we are counting down the days to Christmas. We will make a paper chain advent calendar where there is a link for every day until Christmas. Each day we will take off one link from the chain and so we will know exactly how many more days we have to wait. We will also begin to "light" our paper advent candles with tissue paper flames to count the four weeks of the season. On December 1st we will light the first candle of the Hannukiah and begin to count the eight days of Hannukah. The last week of school we will also light the Kwanzaa kinara candles. There will be more and more lights in room 23!
Our paper chain advent calendar.
The whole morning and afternoon chain. Making paper chains has really caught on with the children and we are making kilometres of chains to decorate the classroom for the holidays.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Wish List
People have very kindly asked how they can help in the class and because you asked, there are a few things that would be lovely to have in the classroom. Please do not feel obliged in any way! If you have things at home that you are not using, we are happy to have them. This is just a way to organize and re-use.
1. Dolls of different heritages
2. Play food - cloth or plastic- different cultures.
3. Play dishes that reflect different cultures.
6. A few large plastic trays with a lip to them for planting and doing messy crafts.
7. Leftover wool, felt, buttons and other craft materials
8. Clean glass jars with lids. (Please none that have come in contact with nuts.) eg. Soup or sauce or mayonaisse jars.
9. Wallpaper sample books or paint colour chips.
10. Frozen juice containers for the paint centre
11. Good on one side paper. (We go through lots of paper, so let's reuse those that have only been used on one side.)
That's it for now. Thanks again for all the help you give our class. It makes a huge difference!
1. Dolls of different heritages
2. Play food - cloth or plastic- different cultures.
3. Play dishes that reflect different cultures.
4. A few large cushions with removable covers in cheerful fabrics for the reading corner
5. Large zip lock bags for the borrow the book program and library6. A few large plastic trays with a lip to them for planting and doing messy crafts.
7. Leftover wool, felt, buttons and other craft materials
8. Clean glass jars with lids. (Please none that have come in contact with nuts.) eg. Soup or sauce or mayonaisse jars.
9. Wallpaper sample books or paint colour chips.
10. Frozen juice containers for the paint centre
11. Good on one side paper. (We go through lots of paper, so let's reuse those that have only been used on one side.)
That's it for now. Thanks again for all the help you give our class. It makes a huge difference!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Loi Krathong Festival, Thailand
At this festival people put lotus flower shaped boats with lights, incense, flowers and coins in the river, sending away the bad luck and giving thanks for water. We will make a paper lotus flower tomorrow and put a wish in the middle of it. Then we will see if it floats at our water table. We will also do a little experimenting to see what else floats and sinks. Since the flowers will be delicate we will decorate the class with them and wait until your visit before sending them home.
Eid al Adha
The other day one of the children was so excited to tell us that he had put up his Eid lights at home. To honour him and all the other children at the school who celebrate this Eid, today we will learn a little about Eid al Adha. It is one of the two main festivals in the Islamic year. It is the Festival of Sacrifice and happens at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca. People who have gone to Mecca celebrate there, while others celebrate at home. The festival recalls the time when Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son. When he proved his obedience by tying his son to the altar God allowed him to sacrifice a sheep instead. The focus of this festival is faith and mercy, and people celebrate with their family and with acts of compassion, so today we will make a list of kind things that we can do for others.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Pyjama Day Thursday, PD day Friday
Cozy jammies and stuffies welcome on Thursday for our school wide Pyjama Day. Then please remember that the next day is a PD day.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wish List
Thank you very much to all of you who have offered help for our class. One way you can add to our program is by helping with our wish list. Liz Burgess, a mother from the morning class, has kindly offered to coordinate getting the things on this list. I will post a full copy of the list soon. If you are interested in this project please send me a note with your child or through the moderated comments link on this blog. (I won't publish them, just use the information.) I will also publish some playdough recipes and a list of some crafts you can help with if you are interested. Thank you SO much to the Burgess family who has donated this beautiful rocking chair to the class already. Can't you just picture your child playing teacher or curled up reading a book here? It adds so much to our day. Thank you!
The helper of the day holds the sun up and we are learning to dance around her or him in a circle. This is a song for birthdays sung at Montessori schools and the children really like it.
We are preparing this song to sing for your visit at our Holiday Party. It is the Raffi song, One Light, One Sun. In case the pictures aren't clear, the words are below.
One light, one sun, One sun lighting everyone. One world turning, One world turning everyone.
One world, one home. One world home for everyone. One dream, one song, One song heard by everyone.
One love, one heart. One heart warming everyone. One hope, one joy, one love filling everyone. It will be lovely.
Donation Box
There is still time to send in donations of warm clothes for men, women and children for our Mission Drive. The class cut out all these hats, mitts and scarves to decorate the box and we hope to fill it many times over.Please send in what you can. Thank you!
Around the Classroom
Here are a few pictures of some things the children have made recently.
Papel picada for the Mexican Day of the Dead:
Our Remembrance Day wreath:
Raven boxes (on the piano) to go with the story of how Raven brought the light to the people:
Papel picada for the Mexican Day of the Dead:
Our Remembrance Day wreath:
We will send the Raven boxes home with the parents after our Holiday Party (date to be announced soon) as they are very fragile.
Kindness Bracelets
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Anti-Bullying Day
Thursday is Anti-Bullying Day at the school, so we will be reading a few stories about the subject and having a short discussion. If the children have anything pink they would like to wear that is another way to participate in the day. Apologies for the short notice. Somehow I seem to have missed that memo. Anything pink will do! We will also make a pink craft so that everyone can have some pink to wear in case some don't get this note in time.
P.S. Pink Day has been extended to Friday as well, so there's one more chance to wear your pinks. We will also finish making our pink kindness bracelets tomorrow.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
New Dismissal Plan
Starting tomorrow, Monday the 15th of November, we will be dismissing the class from the south porch. Parents, please meet us there at 11:35 for the morning class and 3:35 for the afternoon class. I will have a checklist of the students and will dismiss them one at a time to you. If they go on the bus, Bonnie will pick them up there and take them down and put them on the bus and I will check off their names. If they go to Dovercourt, they will be met on the porch as well and then also checked off the list. As I am responsible for their safety I appreciate your patience and help with this new system. Please be prompt at pick up time. If for some reason you cannot avoid being late, I will have the children wait for you in the office after 11:40 or after 3:40. Thank you for your help in making all go smoothly.
Happy Divali!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Remembrance Day Assembly
Our morning class will attend the primary assembly for Remembrance Day tomorrow at 9:45 am. All afternoon students are welcome to come with their parents if they would like. I have poppy stickers from the Veterans for each child to wear. If you would like to send in a small contribution for these poppies I will add this to their collection box. We are making a wreath with the hand tracings of both morning and afternoon children to lay at the assembly. We will have a special storytime for the afternoon class in the classroom to make sure they also learn about this important day. Also, Paul Hope, a parent of an afternoon student and a Tai Chi teacher, will lead the children in a short movement lesson. This will be wonderful as our focus for Remembrance Day is on peace.
Interview Times
Wow! When I ask for letters returned the next day you do really well. I got all but two. Thank you! Your interviews have been scheduled and the letters confirming your times are coming home today. I tried to give you as close to your requested time as possible. See you soon.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Picture Retake Day!
Wednesday, November 10th is Retake Day. Please send a note with your child if you would like a retake.
School Project
Broadview school is having its second collection of warm clothing for those in need. Please send in new or gently used hats, mitts, scarves and socks. We have a box to collect them in the classroom. Let's fill it up many times over! All the clothing collected will be strung on a long line all the way down Broadview Avenue, connecting all the schools. Then it will be donated. Please send in your contributions soon. Thank you!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Parent Teacher Interviews this week and next
We are having interviews soon to discuss how your child is adapting to Junior Kindergarten. They will be held Thursday from 4:00 to 7:30, Friday morning from 8:30 to 11:30 and Monday morning from 9:15 to 11:30. There is a letter in your child's backpack today with all the details as well. Please choose your preferred time and send the form back TOMORROW with your child so I can coordinate all the requests and send you a confirmation letter. We will try to coordinate interviews for families with more than one child in the school as much as possible. Thanks for your help!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Festivals of Light, Celebrations of the Human Spirit
Dear Everyone;
Monday we begin learning about why it is getting so dark outside so early. We will talk about the seasons and how the sun makes the seasons. Then we will learn about different celebrations around the world that use light at this time of year. Of course, there is a connection! If you have any books or decorations from your family's celebrations they are very welcome. The children can show the class what they bring in as a little informal Show and Tell. Please make sure their names are on everything that comes in so we can return them! Our unit will include Divali, Yalda, Chanukah, Christmas and Kwanzaa as well as the native story of how Raven brought the light. It should be a special unit with lots of wonderful stories and some extra spiffy crafts.
Monday we begin learning about why it is getting so dark outside so early. We will talk about the seasons and how the sun makes the seasons. Then we will learn about different celebrations around the world that use light at this time of year. Of course, there is a connection! If you have any books or decorations from your family's celebrations they are very welcome. The children can show the class what they bring in as a little informal Show and Tell. Please make sure their names are on everything that comes in so we can return them! Our unit will include Divali, Yalda, Chanukah, Christmas and Kwanzaa as well as the native story of how Raven brought the light. It should be a special unit with lots of wonderful stories and some extra spiffy crafts.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Dance-A-Thon Tomorrow!!!
As you know, the Dance-A-Thon is tomorrow. In the morning the class dances from 10:30 to 11. In the afternoon we have the 1:10 to 1:35 time slot. This is right at the beginning of our day, so if you can have the children here a few minutes early that will help. We will take them right into the gym and try to get the full use of our time. If you can come and help at that time you would be very welcome.
I also want to thank Marnie Johnstone who is a parent of one of the children in room 23. She bravely took on the challenge of organizing this major fundraiser with no previous experience of Broadview Dance-a-Thons and has worked incredibly hard with her team to put this all together. Thank you so much, Marnie!!!
Thank you also to all the kindergarten parents. We have raised a significant part of the funds for the school with our youngest students. That is impressive, so thank you for your help.
I also want to thank Marnie Johnstone who is a parent of one of the children in room 23. She bravely took on the challenge of organizing this major fundraiser with no previous experience of Broadview Dance-a-Thons and has worked incredibly hard with her team to put this all together. Thank you so much, Marnie!!!
Thank you also to all the kindergarten parents. We have raised a significant part of the funds for the school with our youngest students. That is impressive, so thank you for your help.
Books and Patterns
During our study of patterns we have celebrated a few famous authors and their work. We had a Bill Martin Jr. /Eric Carle week (Brown Bear, Brown Bear and the sequels) and then we had a Dr. Seuss week. I'm sure your children would love to read them with you at home too, or to find rhymes in other children's books. They are pretty great at spotting them.
p.s. If they wiggle their thumb at you that means they hear a rhyme. That's the signal we use at circle time.
p.s. If they wiggle their thumb at you that means they hear a rhyme. That's the signal we use at circle time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dot Party and Dance-A-Thon
We are finishing up our unit on Patterns with a Dot Party on Friday. We will read the book, The Dot, wear our very spiffy dot crowns and maybe even make some three dimensional dots. If you have some dotted clothes in your wardrobe, Friday is the day to wear them! Other patterns are also welcome if dots are not available.The more the merrier!!! We will be going to the Dance-a-Thon also on Friday. There will be a special time for only the kinders to go, with children's music and a special visit from Mr. Davies and his Teddy Bear. It should be a very fun day. Have a look at Happy People Dancing on the Earth on YouTube to help you get ready for the dancing.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Hallowe'en!
I hope you have a wonderful time trick or treating! We will talk about your adventures on Monday and learn about the Mexican Day of the Dead, which is on Monday.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Our Blog has Pets!
If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can meet our rainbow fish. Each time you tap the mouse you feed them some lovely green fish food. Have fun!
Library Day
Our library day is Monday, so please send the books in then, or on Friday if you are likely to forget over the weekend. There is a library basket in the classroom, so the books can come in another day if you wish. Thank you!
Hallowe'en Party Friday!
Friday, October 29th is our Hallowe'en party day. The children can wear their costumes at school. Masks and weapons should stay at home. If the costume is very warm, your child will need some other clothes to change into when they get too hot. Or they can wear orange and black or just a funny hat! Our party will include making a special craft, a costume parade to the office and back, a spooky song with ghost puppets and a (non-edible) treat from the glowing monster bag. They have made you a Hallowe'en card with a pattern of bugs on it, which you will receive soon if you haven't seen it already. One of the older students will come and take pictures of our class and their costumes for our end of year slide show.
The school has taken on a great initiative for trick or treating called Hungry Hallowe'en. If your child would like to take part, they simply ask for cans or other non-perishable foods as well as treats while they are trick or treating and bring them to school the next day. We will deliver them to the local food bank. Thank you for your help with this project!
Happy Hallowe'en!
The school has taken on a great initiative for trick or treating called Hungry Hallowe'en. If your child would like to take part, they simply ask for cans or other non-perishable foods as well as treats while they are trick or treating and bring them to school the next day. We will deliver them to the local food bank. Thank you for your help with this project!
Happy Hallowe'en!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Welcome to our Blog!
Welcome to our classroom blog! In it you will find some notes on what we are learning in class so you can talk about these at home as well. There will also be reminders about our activities and their dates. To keep it safe, there will be no pictures of the children, but there may be pictures of their art from time to time, and other surprises! We hope you like our blog. Thank you for reading!
Ms. Whitehead and the am and pm classes.
First Newsletter am and then pm.
Dear Parents;
The schedule for most days is:
Arrive, line up. Cubbies, change to inside shoes.
Individual reading on the carpet
Attendance and Circle Time (welcome song, weather song, calendar, story,
class news, safety reminders, dancing, lesson on how to do the craft)
French (days 1 and 3; a 20 minute lesson and then centres in French.) Finish craft, begin Learning Centres
Learning Centres, /
Tidy Up, end of morning Circle, review of concepts.
Outside Play
Cubbies for goodbye song, notes and reminders
11:40 Dismissal (please come into the room to get your child and please remember that we dismiss 10 minutes early and classes in our hall are still going on.)
If you would like to get some more detailed answers to your questions about how school was today you can use this schedule to ask more specific questions. For example you could ask your child to tell you what happened in the story or what kind of craft he or she made.
We also have some special events and will be gradually adding in others like sharing time and Me Days to keep things challenging and interesting.
Our focus the first month was on building up a sense of belonging in our class, how to choose and make friends and on how to go to school. We began with the theme of Friends. Our focus now is on Patterns. We are learning that anything that happens over and over is a pattern. We have looked at visual patterns such as stripes and spots and talked about rhyming words and repeated words in books and how they are a pattern. We are singing a song with a repeated pattern and will also do many musical rhythms. We are also learning that the days have a pattern and the seasons have a pattern. With all the themes this year your child is very welcome to bring in books from home on the topic to share with the class. (Please make sure his or her name is on the books, of course.)
We are encouraging as much independence as possible. If your child has difficulty with shoes or jackets please have them practise at home. We will help here too, especially with tricky things like buttons and zippers as these may be too difficult for children this age. Please no shoes with laces. If you have a chance when you are packing the snack please put a little vertical snip at the top of the foil packaging on cookies, crackers, etc. to make it easier for the children to open them.
We have started to have volunteer parents in the classroom this month. Carrie Cuhaci has kindly agreed to be our volunteer coordinator. She will put up a sign-up calendar for each month and call those parents who aren't regularly in the school to help them arrange a convenient day to come in. Any parents who pick up their children daily can sign up on the calendar, which will be posted outside the classroom, for the days they would like to come.
Finally, as your child's teacher I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. I have been working for the Board for 20 years and have taught and worked with children for another 12 years before that. I have taught kindergarten for 10 years, at Broadview, Christie and at Mutchmor, and have also taught many other grades and subjects, so I know where your child is headed in the long term as well as what they should know for this first year of their education. I am a teacher at least partly because of genetics; in my family there have been teachers for many generations. My father's first career was as a special education teacher, my grandmother taught kindergarten and my great-grandfather was a school inspector and taught at the
A very important point to note is that the classroom will be Peanut and Nut free this year as some of our students have serious allergies. Please take great care with the food you send in and also ensure that your child's hands and clothes are free of peanut butter if they have eaten some for breakfast that day. Your understanding and help will be much appreciated.
We will celebrate Hallowe’en on Friday, October 29th with a costume parade and some spooky songs and crafts. Please bear in mind our classroom is quite warm and send comfortable costumes and please no toy weapons. It promises to be an exciting and fun year. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with our class and to working with all of you to support them. If you ever have any questions or concerns I am always available before and after class or you can phone the office and leave me a message or send a note. Communication is very important and I am always ready to discuss your child or your questions. We have an open classroom and you are welcome to visit and observe at any time. We will use the smaller pocket at the front of the backpacks to communicate with letters and notes. If you have a note for me please put it in this pocket with a little red ribbon or pipe cleaner or wool so I will know to check it. Please check for letters from me in this pocket as well. Thank you again for all your help so far!
Sarah Whitehead
Child's name:
I have reviewed the information packet and filled in and returned the forms.
I have checked over the index page and made sure all of the information the school has on file is correct, signed it and returned it.
I would like to add my name to the list of volunteers.
I have the following questions:
PM newsletter:
Welcome again to Broadview School and to the Junior Kindergarten class! The big step of starting school has gone very smoothly for everyone in our class and all the children are settling well into their routines. I can see the children have been well prepared and they have mostly taken everything very much in stride. I am particularly proud of how well they organize themselves and how quietly and attentively they listen to the story at circle time. The children go to their cubbies to get their snacks, are beginning to clean up after themselves and put their backpacks away after snack and even do a conscientious job of tidying up the toys at the end of quiet playtime. The children are also getting very good at walking in lines when we are going into school or to activities.
The schedule for most days is:
Arrive, Outside Play.
Cubbies, change to inside shoes.
Individual reading on the carpet
Attendance and Circle Time (welcome song, weather song, calendar, story,
class news, safety reminders, dancing, lesson on how to do the craft)
French (days 1 and 3; a 20 minute lesson and then centres in French.) Finish craft, begin Learning Centres
Learning Centres, / Reading Buddies with the Grade 7 Gifted class/Gym/Library visits
Tidy Up
End of Day Circle for goodbye song, notes and review of concepts.
Cubbies, dressing
If you would like to get some more detailed answers to your questions about how school was today you can use this schedule to ask more specific questions. For example you could ask your child to tell you what happened in the story or what kind of craft he or she made.
We also have some special events and will be gradually adding in others like sharing time and Me Days to keep things challenging and interesting.
Finally, as your child's teacher I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. I have been working for the Board for 20 years and have taught and worked with children for another 12 years before that. I have taught kindergarten for 10 years, at Broadview, Christie and at Mutchmor, and have also taught many other grades and subjects, so I know where your child is headed in the long term as well as what they should know for this first year of their education. I am a teacher at least partly because of genetics; in my family there have been teachers for many generations. My father's first career was as a special education teacher, my grandmother taught kindergarten and my great-grandfather was a school inspector and taught at theCollege of Teachers at the University of Toronto . I have eight and a half years of university education, including a Master's degree. I play piano, guitar, recorder and autoharp and am a watercolour painter as well. I am working on illustrating a children's fairytale book which I hope to publish someday. I can draw, which is very handy, especially in a primary class. (I usually create the craft of the day to match the story of the day by drawing it in a similar style to the illustrations.) I am also a single parent to Elinor YaTing, a 6 year old little girl I adopted four years ago from China .
Sarah Whitehead
Dear Parents;
The schedule for most days is:
Arrive, Outside Play.
Cubbies, change to inside shoes.
Individual reading on the carpet
Attendance and Circle Time (welcome song, weather song, calendar, story,
class news, safety reminders, dancing, lesson on how to do the craft)
French (days 1 and 3; a 20 minute lesson and then centres in French.) Finish craft, begin Learning Centres
Learning Centres, / Reading Buddies with the Grade 7 Gifted class/Gym/Library visits
Tidy Up
End of Day Circle for goodbye song, notes and review of concepts.
Cubbies, dressing
If you would like to get some more detailed answers to your questions about how school was today you can use this schedule to ask more specific questions. For example you could ask your child to tell you what happened in the story or what kind of craft he or she made.
We also have some special events and will be gradually adding in others like sharing time and Me Days to keep things challenging and interesting.
Our focus the first month was on building up a sense of belonging in our class, how to choose and make friends and on how to go to school. We began with the theme of Friends. Our focus now is on Patterns. We are learning that anything that happens over and over is a pattern. We have looked at visual patterns such as stripes and spots and talked about rhyming words and repeated words in books and how they are a pattern. We are singing a song with a repeated pattern and will also do many musical rhythms. We are also learning that the days have a pattern and the seasons have a pattern. With all the themes this year your child is very welcome to bring in books from home on the topic to share with the class. (Please make sure his or her name is on the books, of course.)
We are encouraging as much independence as possible. If your child has difficulty with shoes or jackets please have them practise at home. We will help here too, especially with tricky things like buttons and zippers as these may be too difficult for children this age. Please no shoes with laces. If you have a chance when you are packing the snack please put a little vertical snip at the top of the foil packaging on cookies, crackers, etc. to make it easier for the children to open them.
We have started to have volunteer parents in the classroom this month. Carrie Cuhaci has kindly agreed to be our volunteer coordinator. She will put up a sign-up calendar for each month and call those parents who aren't regularly in the school to help them arrange a convenient day to come in. Any parents who pick up their children daily can sign up on the calendar, which will be posted outside the classroom, for the days they would like to come.
Finally, as your child's teacher I would like to take a minute to introduce myself. I have been working for the Board for 20 years and have taught and worked with children for another 12 years before that. I have taught kindergarten for 10 years, at Broadview, Christie and at Mutchmor, and have also taught many other grades and subjects, so I know where your child is headed in the long term as well as what they should know for this first year of their education. I am a teacher at least partly because of genetics; in my family there have been teachers for many generations. My father's first career was as a special education teacher, my grandmother taught kindergarten and my great-grandfather was a school inspector and taught at the
A very important point to note is that the classroom will be Peanut and Nut free this year as some of our students have serious allergies. Please take great care with the food you send in and also ensure that your child's hands and clothes are free of peanut butter if they have eaten some for breakfast that day. Your understanding and help will be much appreciated.
We will celebrate Hallowe’en on Friday, October 29th with a costume parade and some spooky songs and crafts. Please bear in mind our classroom is quite warm and send comfortable costumes and please no toy weapons.
It promises to be an exciting and fun year. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with our class and to working with all of you to support them. If you ever have any questions or concerns I am always available before and after class or you can phone the office and leave me a message or send a note. Communication is very important and I am always ready to discuss your child or your questions. We have an open classroom and you are welcome to visit and observe at any time. We will use the smaller pocket at the front of the backpacks to communicate with letters and notes. If you have a note for me please put it in this pocket with a little red ribbon or pipe cleaner or wool so I will know to check it. Please check for letters from me in this pocket as well. Thank you for all your help so far. Sarah Whitehead
Child's name:
I have reviewed the information packet and filled in and returned the forms.
I have checked over the index page and made sure all of the information the school has on file is correct, signed it and returned it.
I would like to add my name to the list of volunteers.
I have the following questions:
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