Friday, May 27, 2011

Jars Needed!

We are collecting clean, clear jars with lids with smooth sides for a special craft. (Shhh! It's for an upcoming holiday that honours a parent.) If you have any you can send it they would be most appreciated. Please put your child's name on the lid. If you have extra jars you can send in that would be excellent. Thank you!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Volunteers for the Farm Field Trip

So many kind and keen parents have offered to come and help on our trip. All volunteers are welcome to come on the field trip. HOWEVER, there is only room on the buses for five volunteers per class. So if some people are willing to car pool or drive there themselves, that would be appreciated. Please email me at  if you need to be on the bus and I will do my best to accomodate everyone. I will send home a note with your child tomorrow to let you know if you are riding the bus or driving. Thank you, everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


There is a slight confusion about the cost of the Great Farm Field Trip. I think the first letter that went out said it would be $10 and then the trip permission form has updated this to $11.50. (As things became clearer to the very kind teacher who is organizing this for all the kindergarten classes, the real cost emerged.) If you read the letter more carefully and sent in $10 and would like to top up your offering, that will be appreciated. Also please note that as always, we never want the cost of trips to keep children from participating, and will cover this fee for anyone who needs this.
Thank you to all of you who have sent in your forms promptly. If you haven't signed them yet, time is now getting short. PLEASE send in your forms tomorrow. Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2011


The morning class will be going to Nepean High School on Tuesday morning to see a dress rehearsal of their Children's Theatre program's play, Aladdin. The afternoon students are welcome to come to the school with their parents and come along with us. Meet us in the classroom at 9:10. Alternatively there are tickets available for a 7 pm show. The magic of May continues!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Please Get Quacking!

Trip permission forms came home today. Please sign and return them tomorrow with the money for the trip fee while the idea is still fresh in your minds. Thank you !!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dental Screening

The Public Health Department will be holding a dental screening for our classes on May 16th. You will receive a notice if they find anything of concern. We will talk a little about teeth before hand to prepare them for their check up.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Trip to Valleyview Farm

Time for a field trip!
On May 24th we will be going to Valleyview Little Animal farm.  The morning class will be leaving at 9::20 and returning at 11:15 and the afternoon class will be leaving the school at 1:20 and returning by 3:15.  The cost of the trip will be $10.00.  We will see a wide variety of animals and birds up close from alpacas to zebus, goats to geese!  We will ride the Valleyview express train and enjoy the creative farm playground.  Also, we will enjoy a puppet show featuring a presentation on new babies at the farm.  The farm requires us to have one parent to every 4 children so we are asking for your help on this day! There will be a snack time, so please put your child’s snack in a large ziplock labeled with their name, and we will carry it for them on the trip.  The field trip permission form will be coming home in the very near future. May is just packed!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Book Bonanza

The Book Bonanza is a very ancient tradition at Broadview PS and a wonderful celebration of literacy and books. Your child will be visiting the book sale on Thursday, May 12th. Each children's book costs 50 cents during the day. The price goes up to $1 after school hours. Children are allowed to spend up to $5 each at the sale. If you would like your child to participate, please send in some money in a baggie for that day. It's wonderful to see the children choosing and buying their very own books.

There is also a contest between the classes to see who brings in the most used books. Here are the guidelines for that:
Bring in your book donations May 5th and 6th and May 9th to 11th. This is the Book Drop part of the Bonanza. They are also looking for clean boxes large enough to hold 15 books. The boxes should not be flattened. Music cds but NOT computer game cds are also requested. DVDs but NOT VHS are also needed, as are Wii games, PSP games, Nintendo DS and Xbox games. Books earn 1 point each, boxes 2 points, cds  and dvds 5 points and games 10 points. The class with the most points can win some great prizes like an ice cream cake or pizza lunch. The points are averaged out by dividing by the number of students, so even a small class can win.
*PLEASE BRING YOUR DONATIONS IN TO THE INTAKE COUNTER NEAR THE LARGE GYM.*   Precounting the number of books is also very helpful.
The book sale begins for the public after school on Thursday, May 12th. It is open again on Friday evening and on Saturday in the morning. Thank you for your donations and participation and happy reading!!!